Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vanessa at 6 Months!

I hope you enjoy this photo of Vanessa.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Two Friends Meet in Quebec!

Ralf Herpich (left) and Tood Harkins (right) were able to meet up in Quebec.


Kai Herpich: Post #3


Kai Action Shots: Post #2

Here are more photos of Kai.


Kai Action Shots: Post #1


Ralf and Kai are back home now in Germany. They enjoyed their visit to Canada. Ralf has sent me some photos of Kai in action. This is post #1 of many.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Vanessa on Valentines day!

This is a nice photo of Vanessa. She is so cute!

Snow in St. Kitts!!

Last week (February 14th), St. Catherines area had a snow storm. Here are a few photos.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bob Dylan Wins 2 Grammy Awards!

Modern Times by Bob Dylan, won 2 Awards at the 49th Grammy Awards. He won Best Solo Rock Performance, for Someday Baby; and Best Contemporary / Folk Album, Modern Times. Not to bad for a Senior Citizen. This is a scan of the Canadian version of the Compact Disc.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Quebec International Hockey Tournament

Hello Everyone,

A friend of mine, Ralf Herpich (from Germany), is attending the 48th Annual Quebec International Pee Wee Hockey Tournament. His son, Kai, plays for the "Young Wings", representing the region of Baden-Wurttemberg. For more information about the tournament, you can click on this link: 48th Annual Quebec International Pee Wee Hockey Tournament.
I have linked to the English version, there is also a French version. I wil also post this link on the side of the blog.

Also, I will post photos of Kai on the blog, as soon as I get them from Ralf.

Go Young Wings!


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Another Vanessa Photo!

It looks like Vanessa is laughing!