Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Day: Street hockey in Toronto!

On Christmas Day, we went to the home of Ben and Josie Roberts. The four of us (Bert, Helen, Donna and Lorne), arrived at the home of the Robert's family at about 2pm. We first opened our gift, and then went out and played street hockey. Andrew and Gabriel Roberts (the sons of Ben and Josie) came out, and played with us.

Here is a couple digital photos. Donna also took some 35 mm pictures, they still have to be developed.

This photo is over Ben, Andrew, and Lorne (brown jacket), fighting for the ball.

This brings back some great memories. If only I had talent........

Christmas Eve 2007: in Barrie

Donna and I went to Barrie on Christmas Eve, and opened up our gifts with my mother, Suzanne).

Lorne sitting by the Christmas tree, in the holiday spirit.

What is Lorne doing with his hand? Hmmmmmmm.......

Vanessa in Barrie: Same Visit

Here is a few nice shots of Vanessa. What a cute girl!!

Bell - Kwinecki Christmas!!!!

Hello Everyone,

In early December, Frances, Henry, Veronika, James, and Vanessa visited snowy Barrie. The Kwinecki family was joined by The Bells (that's us - Lorna and Donna) at Suzie's. We had fun, and Henry took us to dinner at Appleby's.

Here is a photo of Donna holding Vanessa. She is wearing the t-shirt we got her, AB-CD.

More to come...

Monday, December 03, 2007

The Deer on 22nd Steet!

Here are a few more photos I took.....

This is a deer from next door.

Ice Cream and Popcorn store!

I looked next door, and the Ice Cream and Popcorn store was open for business.

Snow Day for the Bells: Dec 3rd!

Hello Everyone,

We had time today to take a few shots of the snow.

Photo #1: Donna in front of truck!

Photo #2: Lorne in the driveway!